Kevin Landrigan covered our first regular Executive Council meeting of the biennium in the Union Leader. Read the full story here.
Stephen questioned Transportation Commissioner Bill Cass about the $99,000 membership in the the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
Stephen said AASHTO does some important work lobbying for federal highway support to states, but he questioned a 2020 resolution the group adopted embracing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiative.
“The Legislature here has not adopted a DEI policy for New Hampshire. What has DOT done to address this resolution?” Stephen asked.
Cass said at the time New Hampshire registered its opposition to the resolution, but it was adopted by a majority vote of the member states.
“We are in tight times and some of these memberships are unnecessary,” Stephen began.
Then Stephen went after the $2,500 membership fee for the College Savings Foundation requested by State Treasurer Monica Mezzapelle.
“Did you know, Governor, we pay as much into this organization as the state of California? Does that make any sense?” Stephen said.