InDepthNH: New Executive Council Gets To Work Scrutinizing Ways To Save Money

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Stephen comes from a background as commissioner of the state Department of Health and Human Services and in the private sector has consulted states on how to find efficiencies in government, while Liot Hill has a long background serving at the municipal level of government and understands budget development.

Also new at the table is Ayotte, a former U.S. Senator and state Attorney General.

There was discussion over annual dues paid to various associations, which add up. It is something that Ayotte said would be included in a comprehensive review of state expenditures, though she did not say if that was something that would be undertaken by her new Commission on Government Efficiency.

The state is heading into rough seas financially, as revenues are shrinking. This is the beginning of efforts to craft a new state, two-year budget as well and all eyes will be on finding ways to cut costs while maintaining vital services.

The council agenda was rather light for a typical meeting but there were many questions particularly posed by Councilor Stephen who has an eye on saving money and making sure contracts are competitively bid.

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